Artist Notes:
I am almost finished this painting of Torrin activating his Stone Guardian powers. I think it will be part of the new cover design for Book Three, A Light in the Dark.
I have to complete Rowan's version which will be the bottom half of the cover. I am not sure exactly how I will combine the two images of them, yet the experimenting will be fun.
For this piece I wanted the darkness to be in contrast to the blue energy as he channels Stone Guardian Magic.
I have added a teaser excerpt from Book Three below.... a scene where Torrin's power is activated along with Lanfear 's and Nathell's.
The scene in the painting and sketches shown is not the exact mirror of the excerpt, as he is not in full armor during the scene below – having just awoken from sleep – but it gives an idea of how I envisioned Torrin would look.

Chapter, The Winged Ones, Book Three, A Light in the Dark
Torrin awoke abruptly. He sat up and looked around his room. It was early morning and shadows were still gathered in the corners. Everything was still.
Something had awoken him, but he was not sure what. He felt an overwhelming urge to have his sword in his hand. Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, he planted his feet on the stone floor. That felt better. Yet he was drawn to stand and reach for the hilt of his blade, propped against the end table. The sword hissed as he drew it from the scabbard, and he stared at it as the dim light from the window played over its length.
He frowned and walked to the door. Something was not right. Deep in his core he felt there was a grave danger to face.

The sitting room beyond was quiet, the hearth cold and dark.
Then the door across from his swung inward and Lanfear stepped out, the spell blade in his hand.
Torrin swallowed. What would cause them both to be awake and mirroring each other like this? He knew before the question was fully formed in his mind.
Lanfear moved silently to stand in the middle of the room and Torrin watched as the silvery light of his wings appeared and the larger Winged One version was superimposed over the tall warrior. Then Torrin saw flickering blue from the corner of his eye. A shiver passed up his back as he felt his own huge wings. He flexed them, looking up as they passed through the ceiling above. He took a step toward the other man, then another, until they stood facing one another.
Nathell appeared beside them. His brother’s face was blank, but his shimmering rust-colored wings with their buffy tips sparkled and flickered behind him.
Torrin swallowed. Rowan needed them. Somehow, she was calling to them, but this was not like before. They were still conscious and the ethereal light of their wings had not been activated like this since the portal battle.

Initial sketch for Torrin Channelling the power of the Great Winged One.
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Best regards,

P.S. The excerpt above has not been published yet!