One of the most enjoyable aspects of writing novels is creating the maps of the places and lands you are writing about!
Maps are incredibly valuable to the writing process, helping me keep track of where my characters are as they travel, as well as giving the reader a clearer picture of the landscape in the stories.
Borders, cities, lakes, marshes, mountain ranges and forests shown visually is a must to ground the reader in the reality of the world.
Because The Messenger From Myris Dar and Remembering, Books One and Two of The Stone Guardians, take place in different lands, I created a different map for each. The Great Timor Mountain range is the common feature which divides the two and can be seen in both maps.
Below is a feature of the two final maps: Eryos and The West along with their early versions.
Best Regards,

Early Concept for Eryos:

Final Map of Eryos:
I had a lot of fun with the border imagery for both of my maps. It was important to depict the atmosphere and scope of the fantasy world I was creating, as well as convey an aged visual tone.

Early Concepts for Map of the West:
Sometimes my early concepts differ greatly from the final version of a map. As I work out story, I will often sketch out maps to help me figure out the action. Sometimes they make it into the final version, and sometimes they don't.

Final Map of the West:

Maps Featured in The Companion Sketchbooks:
Both of the Companion Sketchbooks feature map sections which delve into more detail.
