The Braveheart Collection: Warrior Women and Their Horses, Part Two
Personal Empowerment Themed Paintings Through Fantasy Character-scapes.
I spent two weeks in late August and early September finishing this painting from the series. Braveheart I was the first piece I began back in 2017 when I started working on this collection.
Like most the work in this collection, Braveheart I depicts Rowan and her warhorse, Roanus – a big dapple grey stallion...
I worked a lot into the armor and barding for both Rowan and her horse to bring it up to my new standards for this work.
Actually pretty much every inch of the canvas was re-painted!
If you look closely, you will even see some sword cut-marks on her shield and shoulder pauldron.
The gentle companionship of rider and mount was a fundamental aspect of this painting. Some of my most memorable and beautiful experiences with horses took place while I was on the ground rather than in the saddle.
As I continue working on these paintings and sculptures, I am feeling once more my deep connection to horses. I grew up surrounded by Morgan horses and had an equine companion for much of my life.
…And it is super fun to paint the armor and barding that warhorses wear.
The details:

The work continues….
Next up on the easel: Braveheart II:
I have begun to re-work the armor for both horse and rider as well as adding some gold to the background. I am excited to see this one come up to a high level of detail and realism.
More soon....

Thank you for supporting my work!

The Braveheart Collection: Warrior Women and Their Horses, Part Two © Kindrie Grove Studios Inc. All images rights reserved.