Scenes Of Ralicus: The Great Southern Waste:
Fantasy book illustrations by Kindrie Grove
A writer's experience...
I have had the privilege of visiting the great Namib-Naukluft Desert in western Namibia. The extraordinary, mountainous size of the sand dunes has stayed with me, my memory of standing in a great swale, surrounded by gigantic arcs of sand rising above me, is as vivid today as it was years ago while I was there.
The distinctive plain between the great dunes was filled with flat, oval pumice-like stones of a dark charcoal colour, which contrasted the bright orange-reds and beiges of the sand.
This experience has greatly helped inform the writing of Book Three, where Rowan finds herself in a huge expanse of desert. Advice for authors often includes the saying 'write what you know', and ultimately I could not have created the scenes of the desert, had I not experienced them first hand, felt the crushing heat, the dryness of the air, and the sheer immensity of the dunes myself.

The Drawings and Sketches...
I have included a selection of the drawings and sketches I created for the books here. Some are quick with bold strokes, and some are more considered, with gradual layers of tone on tone and white highlighting.

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Scenes Of Ralicus: The Great Southern Waste: Fantasy book illustrations by Kindrie Grove Copyrights: ©Kindrie Grove Studios Inc. All art work and illustrations by Kindrie Grove. All written content and characters related to The Stone Guardians Books by Kindrie Grove are protected under copyright law.
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