Additional Sketches for Volume II of The Stone Guardians Companion Sketchbook
Before publishing the second volume of the companion sketchbook, I created a few drawings to fill in gaps and help flesh-out some of the locations the characters travel through in Book Two: Remembering.
These are fairly quick studies of landscape and architecture from the Empire of Ralicus.
Beyond the Great Timor Mountains lies an arid, hot land where Lanfear awakens in the tomb of the Guardians. He flees from the Emperor Rothius and his magus, Ilyason and eventually meets Tyria in the forest of the Oriathy above the great escarpment. (see map below)

I hope you enjoy this drawings.

Tomb of the Guardians:
Lanfear wakes from an enchanted sleep deep underground in what is left of the great Temple of the Guardians. I wanted this sketch to convey how the tomb was still being excavated with shoulders of sand continually sliding down to cover the door set within a huge stone lintel. I look forward to doing a detailed version of this one, focused on the carving of the stone doors.

The Emperor's Palace:
Rothius's palace is described in the book as having many domes and courtyard gardens with fountains and ornamental plants. Pillars and pierce-work filigree windows are typical with burning braziers of incense for warmth in the cooler winter months.

The Great Southern Desert Waste:
This place is described briefly in Book Two but is shown extensively in Book Three: A Light in the Dark. It is the home of Hathunor's people where Rowan is sent through a portal... I won't say more to avoid creating a spoiler! Needless to say it is a dune sea with searing heat and dry air.

Map of the West
