I recently finished this book trailer for The Messenger From Myris Dar, Book one of The Stone Guardians.
Finding interesting ways to create a moving teaser for the characters and themes in the book was a challenge. I am a photoshop newb and each time I undertake the process of creating content like this, I have a steep learning curve to under-go... Lots of time spent watching You Tube tutorials and researching how to create the effects I am after.
As always with self publishing, the iterations of the books themselves as well as the marketing content are always evolving. Next I need to learn how to make the sparks animate so they move throughout the video, at least in some slides.
Here are a few of the still images I worked on to try and convey the atmosphere and energy I was after. The music is a huge part: it is from Monument Studios Fantasy Complete series.
The trailer is almost there, but not exactly what I was after... so there will be a 2.0 version of the trailer at some point soon. But as they say in marketing better to ready, fire and aim then spend forever perfecting and never getting it out!
Overall I am fairly pleased with the outcome of the piece.
I hope you enjoy this short video. Please feel free to leave a comment or
your thoughts. What do the images and music evoke for you?

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The Messenger From Myris Dar Book Trailer © Kindrie Grove Studios Inc. All images rights reserved.