In the fortress of the Seers of Danum, Rowan and Torrin are set once more on a fateful path – a quest to find the last Stone Guardian.
Soon after, Rowan begins to feel a pull in her chest, leading her and Torrin, back to the mainland, back to the land of Eryos and toward the discovery of their own history.

Excerpt No. 1:
The Seers of Danum, Remembering, Book Two of The Stone Guardians.
“Wait!” Therial’s white eyes flew open. “The scroll – the vision – but this – you must – know.” She took several more breaths before uttering one final sentence. “Find – the last – Stone – Guardian.”
Therial’s eyes closed again and she did not draw another of the painfully shallow breaths.

Excerpt No. 2:
The Open Road, Remembering, Book Two of The Stone Guardians.
Rowan leaned closer to Torrin and studied the map. She sighed and pointed to the border. “It seems to me that traveling through Ren, or along its border might be no different in terms of safety.”
Torrin grimaced. “You are not wrong. There will be Ren raiders looking to plunder any convoys or travelers. They likely watch the road and come across the border at night. To be safe, we would have to head east and travel parallel to the road overland. It will be safer, but –”
“Slower.” The wind gusted, and Rowan brushed the hair from her face. “How many days ride if we head straight through Ren to the Wilds?”
“About five, but we may well encounter patrols which we will have to deal with or hide from, adding time to the journey.”
Rowan was silent for a while, biting her lip. Finally, she looked at Torrin. “I can’t explain it, but we cannot take the time to travel around Ren. It is almost painful, the thought of traveling in the opposite direction. I need to head west towards the Timor Mountains."

Artist/author Notes:
I began this illustration while traveling in Portugal last December. It came about through an intuitive sketching process that gradually resolved into the figures of Rowan, Torrin and their horses.
It has taken about 25 hours of drawing and layering tones to build up the details.
I have kept it simple with just white Prismacolor and graphite on my favorite toned-grey mixed media Strathmore paper.
Paper scale: 9 x 12 inches
Although there is no landscape or surroundings to speak of in the drawing, my hope was to give the impression of traveling and evoke a gravitas within the scene as the characters follow the mysterious pull Rowan had been experiencing, leading them toward an inexplicable end.
Process details:

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