Both a drawing and a painting!
Scene from Book One of The Stone Guardians, The Messenger from Myris Dar:
“Then we ride!” Torrin launched his big horse towards the marshes, his dark cloak swirling. Roanus jumped forward as Rowan touched his sides and the rest of the group charged after them through the wind-whipped grass. The horses were excited, catching the collective mood of the riders, and they had to be rained in from a crazed gallop.
Excerpt from Book One of The Stone Guardians, The Messenger From Myris Dar.

About the Scene:
The companions desperately flee from a Triton of Raken (thirty) pursuing Rowan. Galloping as fast as their horses can carry them, they head for the vast mash-land at the edge of the great Klyssen Plain in the hopes of losing their foe.
This scene from Book One is action packed and I wanted both the drawing and the painting to portray the strain and desperation as they flee from an overwhelming enemy.
For this illustration, I was inspired to create both a painting and a drawing. The detailing I can accomplish with pencil allows me to figure out the finer points and then add them to the painting. The drawing is further along than the painting but the painting features more of the characters. I may create a second drawing to show the others...
As a result of this process, I am working back and forth on both pieces. I am not sure which one will end up being featured in the illustrated version of the book... perhaps both!
Best regards,

Final Drawing:
I am working on toned-grey Strathmore mixed media paper. It is heavy and creates a beautiful mid-value that I can work into with white pencil crayon to create highlights. This drawing features Rowan and Torrin, but the painting will have more of the companions on their horses as well.
I still have work to do on Rowan's armor and the horse's feet, perhaps some darker tones in the background too.

The Painting:
Still working…
This painting is still under way, here are a few details of the process...

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