Exploring the Epic Desert Battle: The Winged Ones - A Cinematic Scene Breakdown for the Stone Guardians Fantasy book series by Kindrie Grove
Imagery Paired with Music...
Enjoy this scene description video montage of Rowan as she seeks aid from the spirits of the Winged Ones to battle Ilyason and the Emperor's Hounds, who seek to capture her and kill her Raken protectors.
The Beauty of Visual Story Telling....
Music featured in this video is from Monument Studios, Fantasy Complete.
Exploring the Epic Desert Battle: The Winged Ones - A Cinematic Scene Breakdown

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Exploring the Epic Desert Battle: The Winged Ones - A Cinematic Scene Breakdown for the Stone Guardians
Fantasy book series by Kindrie Grove All art work and illustrations by Kindrie Grove. All written content and characters related to The Stone Guardians Books by Kindrie Grove are protected under copyright law.
All rights reserved.
Copyrights: ©Kindrie Grove Studios Inc.