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Encounter with the Mythical Aroran

Writer's picture: Kindrie GroveKindrie Grove

Updated: Sep 19, 2024

Encounter with the Mythical Aroran

Excerpt From: Arorans and Tynithians

The Messenger From Myris Dar, Book One of The Stone Guardians

Detail of fantasy illustration of a man on horse by Kindrie Grove

Arynilas spoke quietly from the mist ahead, but his voice carried to Rowan. “Something comes. It is large!”

The companions gathered into a defensive circle, and Rowan reached up to draw her sword. The ring of weapons leaving scabbards was muted by the mist.

After a few moments Rowan heard the sound of movement ahead through the screen of trees. But it was the vibrations in the ground that told her something huge was approaching.

Detail of fantasy illustration of a people on horseback  by Kindrie Grove
Detail: Encounter with the Mythical Aroran

Roanus tossed his head, ears flicking uncertainly. Rowan placed a hand on his neck to calm him as the sounds became louder – the blowing of a great breath was clearly audible.

The mist ahead of them darkened as a huge shape loomed over the trees. Rowan gasped and Nathell whistled in wonder. A gigantic beast materialized out of the swirling fog. Seeing the companions, it stopped, and looked at them carefully, its small eyes passing over each one. Rowan held her breath, staring in wonder.

Detail of fantasy illustration of a man on horse by Kindrie Grove
Detail: Encounter with the Mythical Aroran

It looked as though Erys had taken different animals and combined them to create this behemoth. Its short tan hide was covered with pale vertical stripes; the huge head held on its short, massive neck sported an elongated snout, which was busy chewing the marsh grass that dangled from its mouth. The creature’s legs were long and its three-toed feet wide. Its tail, which ended in a horsehair-like tuft, swung continuously from side to side, brushing away the annoyance of insects.

The beast snorted and the horses spooked at the percussive sound. Then the enormous creature turned away and continued into the fog, fading back into the grey of myth as though it had never existed.

“What in the name of Erys was that?” asked Nathell in the silence.

Dalemar opened his mouth, but it was Arynilas who spoke. “It was an Aroran, a creature that used to roam across Eryos. They have dwindled to a few pockets of inaccessible land where they cannot be hunted. Most people have forgotten them – much like you, Messenger, and your homeland of Myris Dar.”

Fantasy illustration by Kindrie Grove for The Stone Guardians book series featuring a warrior and her horse in a dark forest at night with a notebook handwriting, pen and pencil.
Encountering a Mythical Aroran, graphite and Pencil crayon on toned paper

"I have wanted to capture this moment in an illustration for a long time..."

  Adding this drawing to the growing body of new illustrations for Book One has been on my wish list for a long time.

Fantasy illustration by Kindrie Grove for The Stone Guardians book series featuring a warrior and her horse in a dark forest at night, early process image
Early Process: Encountering the Aroran

" I imagined it somewhere

between a giraffe and a dinosaur."

When I initially wrote this scene, I didn't have a clear idea of what this creature would look like. I imagined it somewhere between a giraffe and a dinosaur. The drawing for this scene came intuitively, with the Aroran emerging from multiple lightly inscribed pencil lines.

The group of riders looking up, to show the gigantic scale of the creature, was so much fun to draw.

I wanted to keep the mist as a major feature of the drawing with a hint of the tangle of twisted trees reaching up through it.


About the Drawing

This piece was slowly layered with Faber Castell Pitt Matt Graphite pencils. I used HB, 2B and 6B.

White Prismacolor was used for the mists. Much of the tree limbs and branches were simply left as the paper's grey tone, which read perfectly as mid-values.

I am working on Strathmore Toned Grey multi-media paper. Drawing time was about 4 hours.

Fantasy illustration by Kindrie Grove for The Stone Guardians book series featuring a warrior and her horse in a dark forest at night, detail of horse
Detail, Encountering the Aroran

sword logo for Kindrie Grove studios

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Encounter with the Mythical Aroran: Fantasy illustration for The Stone Guardians by Kindrie Grove All art work and illustrations by Kindrie Grove. All written content and characters related to The Stone Guardians Books by Kindrie Grove are protected under copyright law.

All rights reserved.

Copyrights: ©Kindrie Grove Studios Inc.



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