City Of Tyrn From Above: Seen by Tyria Through her Falcon's Eyes
Fantasy book illustrations by Kindrie Grove
An Overview...
This image of the city of Tyrn from above, features a scene in which Tyria discovers an affinity with a small white falcon. While I was writing the scene, I had a clear vision of what she and the falcon would be seeing from high above the city through the smoke, coastal haze, and perpetual cloud-cover that Tyrn is known for.

Rough Preliminary Sketch...
While Tyria and Zalla fly over the city, they see Lanfear, Torrin and the others returning to the embassy.
There is an assassin on the rooftops that they cannot see, taking aim at them with his crossbow. Desperate to warn them of the danger, Tyria and Zalla fly low, chittering and calling out to to get their attention so Dalemar can create a shield with magic to protect them from the deadly bolts.

Final Drawing...
It was very important to convey the haze and cloud that covers the city of Tyrn, so in this drawing, I only hinted at the shapes of houses and buildings in the distance.
The haphazard cluster of the Harbor district was also something I wanted to be a focal point in the foreground. Ships' masts from the harbor jut upward like a fence, quays reach out into the ocean, and the barest hint of mountain slopes behind end in sheer cliffs further along the coast.
I would love to redo this one on a larger page with more time spent for details to be included in the illuminated versions of the books...

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The City of Tyrn from Above: Fantasy book illustrations by Kindrie Grove Copyrights: ©Kindrie Grove Studios Inc. All art work and illustrations by Kindrie Grove. All written content and characters related to The Stone Guardians Books by Kindrie Grove are protected under copyright law.
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